Friday 16 May 2008

Round up of the experience

I would like to share with everyone my rounding up of the time I have spent at Sunderland University. As my hand in date for everything I have left is Wednesday it's scary to think that on Wednesday I am no longer a student. What am I supposed to do now? Get a job is the answer my dad would say straight away, no doubts about that one. I'm looking forward to stepping out in to the big bad world and I'm probably looking forward to it than most people because all I can say about my 3 years at Sunderland University is that they have been...interesting to say the least.

I have had that many problems with that place it is unreal, although I have had some really good times as well which can sometimes make up for it. I am lucky in the fact that I had some fantastic PR tutors, they made up for the fact that the business ones were so bad! I can safely say that my time on my PR course was a lot better than my businesses classes but then again who is to say i would know my very good friend Nadia if i had not of taken Marketing.

My saying is everything always happens for a reason. It's my little motto of life, I sometimes don't understand it fully but I live by it. I believe I took marketing so I could meet Nadia and no other reason because there are no other positives to it. If i had to do it all over again though I would choose single honours PR.

I've not had the best time at university and there was a point in my first year when I was ready to walk out of there and never come back, but I had my friends to keep me there and I'm sure many a time I had been in Phil's office telling him I wasn't coming back then he would give me the pep talk and I'd be OK again.

The best bit about the whole experience was making my friends and having the PR tutors I did, because without them I would have not finished my 3 years. I'm proud of myself and what I've achieved from university. Sticking it out is the best accomplishment for me, because I really was leaving every other week.

So it has its good and its bad points but it's all over now! Yey! I can start earning some good money and putting everything that I have learnt in to practice and I would like to thank the PR tutors for everything they have done for me, and I would especially like to thank my friends, thank you for keeping me in that place and making me stick it out!

Good and Evil is how the earth is balanced! and how I managed to get through Sunderland University.

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