Wednesday 7 May 2008


I was thinking after my youtube day instead of revising, about my friends. They're all special (and i use the term loosley) in their own little ways.

I have my closest set of friends who are all my best friends, then you have the usual close friends, then moving out of circles again to the ones you see now and again and then there are the one's who you've known for years but never ever keep in touch with unless something random happens or a coincidence occurs.

There are hundreds of quotes on the internet you can search for but there are those special one's that remind of you of things you've been through or what those friends brought in to your life.

Photo's from my facebook or my myspace show what we exactly get up to but i can leave that to the imagination, i'm sure a load of silly photo's of me and my friends are not what other people would be interested in!

And photo's are the best way of remembering who you do lose. Unfortunately easter was not a happy time for our family as we lost someone really close to us, worse still he was one of my brother's best friends and we will miss him dearly! Mainly the reason i have no posts from April because I wasn't myself and didn't draw much in my sketchbook, but i know Ross was an amazing artist and i would have been told off by him if i ever stopped.

We love and miss him loads, R.I.P Ross!!

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